- God’s Love
- Creation
- Weekly and monthly mass with the entire student body
- Mass on Holy Days of Obligation when we are in school
- Bible: Old Testament, New Testament stories
- Sacraments: Baptism, Eucharist, Reconciliation
- Prayer
- The Church Seasons: Advent, Christmas, Ordinary time, Lent
- The Rosary
- Two Great Laws of Love
- Missions/Service Projects
Concrete experiences with manipulatives for all math curriculum concepts.
- Numeration: Understanding the meaning and values of numbers 1 – 100
- Identify numbers and number words
- Compare numbers
- Computation: Addition facts
- Subtraction facts
- Fact families
- Adding and subtracting two digit numbers without regrouping
- Estimation
- Measurement
- Geometry
- Patterns
- Problem Solving
- Probability/Data Analysis/Graphing
Language Arts/Phonics
- Identify and apply consonants
- Rhyming
- Blends
- Digraphs
- Short Vowels
- Long Vowels
- Decoding Strategies
- Comprehension
- Inferences
- Noting details
- Compare/Contrast
- Sequencing
- Fantasy/Realism
- Cause/Effect
- Story Structure
- Critical Thinking/Predicting
- Sentence Structure
- Types of Sentences; Punctuation
- Writing/Editing process
- Parts of Speech
Integration with Phonics skills and Vowel Studies
Writing Our Catholic Faith
Social Studies
- Civic Values, Rights, Responsibilities
- Geographic Literacy
- National Identity
- Life Science
- Environmental Science
- Exposure to Earth and Space Science
- Exposure to Physical Science
Children Participate in the Following Specials:
- Art, Music, Computer, Spanish, PE, Library