

As part of the Diocese of Richmod, Star of the Sea Catholic School is a Christ-centered learning environment where students are dedicated to spiritual growth, academic distinction and social responsibility.

Bishop Barry and 8th graders


Morning & Afternoon Prayer

Each morning, teachers, students and staff participate in morning prayer and announcements (which our upperclassmen assist in leading). Announcements end in paying respect to our nation with the Pledge of Allegiance. We conclude our school day with afternoon prayer, where an Act of Contrition is recited.

School Mass

Kindergarten – 8th grade worship together for weekly Mass at Star of the Sea Catholic church, which is celebrated by our priest, Father Steve DeLeon. Each student is paired with a “prayer partner”, with whom acts as a role model for our younger students . During each Mass, upperclassmen participate in reading messages from the Gospel and altar serve. Our school provides middle school altar servers to the church for funerals that occur during school hours. Classes are encouraged to spend time in adoration on the first Fridays of the month.

Extra Worship & Events in Our Church

Vocation talks are given by Father Steve and guest speakers for middle school each year. During our May Procession, our 2nd graders are given the honor of placing the crown on the Virgin Mary inside our church during this very special Mass. Middle schoolers participate in our annual Lenten Retreat and in past years the school community has actively prayed a live rosary (including a decade Spanish) in the church during October.

Sacramental Preparations

Once our Stars reach 2nd grade during their academic year, they are able to begin preparing to receive Reconciliation and First Communion.